Risk Placement Services

Risks, identified from the Risk Audit & Mapping or Enterprise Risk Management Program, which can't be avoided or retained has to be transferred to insurance carriers. BimaGenieTM Insurance Brokers offers Risk Placement Services to place the risk with all insurance carriers in India. BimaGenieTM Insurance Brokers would pass the broker slip to all insurance carriers in India, who would accept and underwrite such risk. Risk Placement Team at BimaGenieTM Insurance Brokers ensures that the cost as well as terms of the risk placement is well negotiated, researched and cost effective. Risk Placement recomendation would be placed before the Management of the enterprise for the final decission. After the placement of the risks, the placement team of BimaGenieTM would brief the enterprise regarding the terms and condition of the insurance contract and would remain in touch with the enterprise during the continuation of the policy.