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Baby in Womb Insurance

“Any good news?” - this is one question that every couple, especially the woman, hears after their marriage. Across cultures motherhood is welcomed and heralded alike and it is every woman's inborn desire to be a mother. After patiently waiting to conceive, it slowly gives way to despair and frustration and often result in visits to infertility clinics. 

Changing life styles have brought in late marriages, and late pregnancies. Infertility clinics are no longer a taboo in our society. IVF has gained immense popularity in India. Couples are happy parents at last! The flip side to late marriages, late pregnancies, and in vitro fertilizations are babies born with congenital abnormalities. A perfect, healthy baby is every parent's wish. After  mind blowing expensive fertility treatments, hearing or seeing that your baby have certain abnormalities can throw you  off track. 

Researchers at the American Academy of Paediatrics (AAP) in New Orleans report that IVF may significantly increase birth defect risk, especially in the heart, eyes, reproductive organs and urinary systems, among children born through the technique. Overall, the babies born after IVF were 1.25 times more likely to be born with abnormalities. Treating such abnormalities can take a huge toll on  one's finances. 

Insuring your baby while still in womb is an option that expecting parents have against the cost of treating such congenital abnormalities if any. Under this policy, the cost of treating such congenital abnormalities which are present at the time of birth or  manifestation of  the same within 2 years of birth would be paid to the parents. Further more, any balance amount of the Sum Insured would be deposited in the bank and the monthly benefit by way of interest will be available to the insured parents for the maintenance of the child. 

This cover can be taken by an expectant mother in the age group of 18 to 40 years before the completion of the third month of pregnancy. There are certain exclusions in the cover like, congenital anomalies directly or indirectly caused by or arising from or attributable to war and invasion, heavy consumption of alcohol/narcotics/smoking, congenital anomalies occurring due to the existence of proven inherited disorders/abnormalities in the family or in any of the earlier children to which the Insured has given birth etc. This product is offered by a public sector insurer in India.